Friday, March 2, 2012


We have a new little member to our family! His name is Tebow! After we moved into our new home, we found that the mice now realized there were new owners with NO CAT! Just 2 mangey looking things that can't chase us (our dogs). Within 1 week we captured around 15 to 20 mice. I'm deathly scared of mice to the point I was having panic/anxiety attacks every time I saw one. Which being pregnant, and my doctor telling me NO STRESS, was no bueno. As much as I really didn't want a cat I knew it was our only option. At first I said OUT DOORS ONLY!!! But I'm not a heartless person and couldn't do that to this 7 month old lovable creature. We went through numerous names for the poor thing from John Wayne, Simba, Rafiki, Johnny Cash, etc.... Chris told me he was my protector and I got to pick his name. I settled on Tebow. Don't ask me why, it just came to me one day and it fit! Here are a few pictures of our new Brewcrew member!

Told you, I'm not a heartless person.....already on the bed


RuthAnn said...

How adorable. Love the picture !

RuthAnn said...

How adorable. Love the picture !