Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Our New Home

Just an update! We finally got the keys to our new home! It's officially ours & will be for the next 30 years (or until we sale it). Now begins the process of moving! Twice in one year is twice too many!! Although, this move is definitely going to be worth it. There is a backyard, fully fenced, just for Kyra and our back door even has a doggie door! Here are some photos of the day we got the keys to our new place!

These are our Keys

Kyra! She already owns her back yard!

In the living room (hard wood floors) (also, the previous owners painted the inside and they left the paint for us in the garage so we can patch up holes and then paint over them, we thought we were going to have to buy new paint and try to match the colors)

The front yard with our keys (the front yard has a pond)

Carrying Me Over The Threshhold!
(What a gentleman)

1 comment:

Christine said...

yay!!! but u guys suck for movin.:) haha.